
Welcome to Willco Volunteer Connections Corner

Powered by East Brentwood Presbyterian Church [Link to www.ebpctn.org]

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The mission of WVCC is to provide an online central clearinghouse where individuals or groups can search for potential volunteer opportunities with faith-based and other charitable organizations providing meaningful services in Williamson County and the Greater Metropolitan Nashville area and seamlessly sign up to participate.

If you would like to help to contribute towards WVCC’s ongoing operational costs and keep making these connections possible, we invite you to donate through this link.

We strive to make a difference.

Our History

Why did we create the WVCC?

Until now, Williamson County did not have a central location where residents could discover volunteer opportunities to support local faith-based or charitable organizations. EBPC is developing a seamless process for identifying and responding to volunteer opportunities here in WillCo.

How will the WVCC benefit the community?

Research during EBPC’s 2021 strategic planning process revealed that there are hundreds of congregations and organizations in WillCo seeking volunteers and resources as well as a spirit of generosity within the community. The WVCC will connect organizations in need to an untapped pool of potential volunteers and available resources.

Growing Our Network: Goals for 2023-24

30 New Community Partners Onboarded
20 Organizations Served
250 Volunteer Slots Filled

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